3 Tips on How To Find a Coach
Written by Renee Garcia The other day, I began to think back to how I have gotten to this point in powerlifting and thought about what I did to get my start. I started going to the gym in 2013 at 24 years old but didn't really start powerlifting until...
How I Fixed My Squats
Written by Aysha Elayan So after a year and a half of powerlifting... I have learned how to squat. Squatting has gone from being absolutely miserable to something I actually look forward to now and here’s how I got there. For the last 5-6 months before I actually committed to...
3 Ways to Break Through Plateaus and Ensure Long Term Progress
by Gage Reid of Nova Strength Training Systems If you’ve been in the strength game or training for any period of time then you will eventually learn that progress is not linear- linear in the sense that you cannot simply add 5-10 pounds to the bar every training session, every...
Sub-Maximal Training, Periodization Strategies and Lift Execution
by Gage Reid of Nova Strength Training Systems One of the biggest issues I've noticed with many people in the strength and conditioning community is the prioritization of load (weight on the barbell), as opposed to technical improvements. Now, before anyone jumps in I must note that sub-maximal training is...
The High Bar Squat: The MOST Underrated Squat Accessory Movement
by Gage Reid of Nova Strength Training Systems In the past I've discussed how Front Squats, High Bar Squats, and Belt Squats (among others) are highly useful in developing the Raw Squat- in fact, if I were to pick just one variation to build the Squat, it would be the...
GWPL Ambassador Column: Enjoy the Journey
Written by Adrienne Thomas My name is Adriene! I am competitive, extremely goal driven and work my butt off. I have never been “the best” at anything but I have always given everything my all. These traits are all things that contribute to my drive as an athlete, but they are...
How to Smash Performance Anxiety
Written by Nikita Ross Putting yourself out there and standing in front of a crowd can be challenging. Even those who don’t regularly suffer from anxiety experience this event-specific phenomenon. Call it performance anxiety, stage fright, agoraphobia; call it what you will. Then, pair the fear of messing up with...
Cutting Weight for Competition
by Gage Reid of Nova Strength Disclaimer: Before attempting any weight cut it's important to underage the risks, potential damage that can occur during extreme weight loss and periods of dehydration. As an athlete it's on you to ensure that you are putting the most important aspects at the top...
Powerlifting Made More Than This Body
by: Marlene Pizarro Like many young girls, I, too dealt with low self-esteem. I was influenced by the media and convinced I needed to fit their mold of the ideal female body. Straight hair, flawless skin, tall, thin legs, small waist, and visible collar bones. I was a 5' 2", 135 lbs.,...
2 Effective Bench Strategies You Should Try
by Gage Reid of Nova Strength Ask any Powerlifter what the hardest lift to improve is and 9 times out of 10 you'll hear, "the Bench Press". Although there are a few outliers in the sport, Jen Thompson is an excellent example, but for the most part the Bench is...
GWPL Ambassador Column: After Meet Blues
Written by Renee-Rose Garcia In trying to figure out how to approach my first post as a TeamGWPL ambassador, I thought about all the experiences I've had in my short time competing as a powerlifter. When I first started out, I was training out of a commercial gym, not realizing...
Getting Personal with Jillian Lewis
We all have those moments in our lifting lives, those chats with ourselves in the shower, those conversations on our way to the gym, personal moments that sometimes make us feel like no one understands. And for those moments, I introduce to you the "Getting Personal" blog series, written by guest...
GWPL Ambassador Column: Training Through Adversity
Written by: Sarah Brenner 2017 will be my first time competing at the Arnold Sports Festival. I started powerlifting in November 2015, competed in my first meet in February 2016, and placed 5th in the 84+ weight class at USAPL Raw Nationals with a Wilks of 421, qualifying me to...
Swing Your Way to A Bigger Deadlift
Written by Zack Henderson For the competitive powerlifter and those in the pursuit of maximal strength, the deadlift is life. It’s the most simple and, for many, the heaviest lift of all. This means the most weight you’ll ever hold in your hands will probably be on a deadlift bar....
When and why should you wear a Belt
By Gage Reid of Nova Strength Belt Pictured Above by Pioneer "Yeah, I actually wear this belt so I don't blow out my spine.""If I don't wear a belt my back will hurt so much after the gym."I'm sure you've heard it before, and more than likely it was from...
How To Peak for A Meet
Written by Deanna Rosemarie Powerlifting season is in full-swing! The @Girlswhopowerlift community is ready to go #949 on the platform! Every lifter knows preparation is the most important part of performing well at a meet, however, sometimes finishing out a program isn’t really enough to fully peak or taper training for...
Are You Ready For your First Powerlifting Meet
Written by Rachel Jimenez What Is “Ready?” So you’ve started powerlifting. You have finally figured out how to squat properly, bench well, and deadlift without hitching. You can finally feel your strength gains peaking through, your hamstrings growing, and you’re walking with better posture. “I’m loving this” you think to yourself,...
Beginners Guide: How To Plan Your First Meet
Article by Deanna Gerdesmeier | Photo by LTevebaugh [Continuing our Beginner Guide See part 1 here] So you’re finally ready for your meet. You’ve trained tirelessly for months and have only nine attempts to show off all that you’ve worked for. Don’t waste that time and effort by planning your attempts wrong....
Beginners Guide: How To Pick A Powerlifting Program
Article by Deanna Gerdesmeier Getting started in powerlifting can be daunting. Coaches can be expensive, and as an independent woman, it’s nice to know where to go to learn how to program your workouts for yourself rather than having to rely on someone else. This article will teach the very...